Keeping Your Spine Healthy With Hydration
Visiting the chiropractor will make sure that your spine is properly aligned and your nervous system
communicating properly with the rest of your body. However, staying hydrated can go a long way in
promoting proper spine health when you’re in between chiropractic adjustments. Keeping hydrated is a
crucial piece to overall wellness, since our bodies are comprised mostly of water.
The spine is no different, and relies very heavily on hydration. If you’re dehydrated, it can impact your
mobility and flexibility. We most often recognize this in the form of muscle cramps or headaches, but all
of those symptoms of dehydration are directly related to your nervous system and spinal health.
Keeping hydrated not only keeps those symptoms at bay, but it also allows for your spine to better carry
the proper messages from your brain through the rest of your nervous system.
How Does Water Help?
Simply standing up and walking around puts pressure on your spinal column. As you walk and twist and
move around, the discs move and shift between each vertebra. Those discs get their flexibility from
water, and that water can be squeezed out as the discs are compressed from movement. This is a
natural process that happens through movement and the effects of gravity on your spine. If those discs
don’t have proper hydration throughout the day, it can result in limited mobility, discomfort, or pain.
There are a number of different ways your body can become dehydrated. Along with physical activity,
your body also can lose hydration through stress, improper diet, and drinking alcohol. Stress introduces
heightened levels of adrenaline, which can prevent your body from regulating its hydration levels. With
your diet, salty foods can absorb fluids, while carbohydrates can boost hydration levels. Since alcohol is
a known diuretic, it moves the water through your system before your body can properly absorb it. Even
some prescription medication can flush out your system before the body can get hydrated. All of these
factors can come into play, causing your hydration level to be lower than you might think.
How Does Chiropractic Help?
Keeping hydrated is a part of getting your spinal adjustment. When your spine is misaligned, it can cause
toxins to remain trapped in the body. Once proper alignment has returned, your body will release those
now unlocked toxins as proper communication is restored. Since these spinal adjustments are centered
around getting your body to communicate optimally, staying hydrated allows for that communication to
last longer by keeping those toxins at bay.
Regular visits to your chiropractor can make sure those lines of communication are wide open, and your
chiropractor can help offer solutions to make sure you’re staying hydrated. Maintaining proper
hydration is particularly important in Colorado’s higher elevations. The thinner air and dry climate lead
to an increased rate of breathing, which causes the body to use up fluids more quickly when compared
to lower elevations. For more information on how hydration can help build up a healthier lifestyle, and
how chiropractic can help, reach out to Dr. Morgan Sheridan today.