Pain In The Rear End

Simply put, sciatica is a pain in the rear end. It’s caused when pain radiates down the sciatic nerve, which runs down one or both legs from your lower back. This pain is caused from something pressing on this nerve – such as a herniated disc. According to the Mayo Clinic, more than 3 million Americans suffer from this condition every year. The worst part? A lot of that pain can be prevented.

It’s important to remember that sciatica is a symptom of something else going on. It is not a diagnosis, and a chiropractic treatment might bet the best way to uncover the underlying source of your pain. Chiropractors can help with sciatica in multiple ways. They can get your spine back in its proper alignment, opening the proper lines of communication for the sciatic nerve. But that’s not all. Chiropractors can perform – and show you – specific stretches to speed up the healing process and increase your range of motion. They can also administer massages and adjustments to cut down inflammation, which helps alleviate pressure on the nerve.

Some cases of sciatica are mild, and can go away on their own. But prolonged cases can lead to more trouble in the form of muscle weakness and/or chronic pain. One of the issues with sciatica is the intermittent nature of the pain. Because of this, many turn to over-the-counter medicine for help, but that usually provides a temporary fix. That’s why many people seek natural treatment for sciatica, and chiropractic care can usually relieve that pain without medication.

There are a few guidelines to know when it’s time to seek a chiropractor’s opinion regarding sciatic pain. If you experience incontinence or your legs feel numb or feel weaker, it’s important to contact a medical professional right away about the pain. It’s also time to seek alternative treatment for the pain if it the sciatica doesn’t get better with extended rest or over-the-counter medication, has lasted longer than a week, or if it gets noticeably worse each day.

Sciatica pain relief is something many people are looking for, but often don’t work to pinpoint the root cause. A chiropractic adjustment can provide relief, and can diminish the reliance on medication. Chiropractors can also offer tips on how to keep the pain away. From improving posture to stretching exercises to ways to improve back strength, a visit to the chiropractor for sciatic pain will provide valuable preventative care along with pain relief.

Chiropractors provide a natural way to deal with this pain, and spinal adjustments can often quickly relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve. Serious medical issues can develop if this type of pain goes untreated for long periods of time, so it’s important to not let this pain linger. For more information on how chiropractic care can help relieve or eliminate sciatica, contact Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan