
There are few things more intimidating – to both children than adults – than speaking with a stutter.

Millions of people, children and adults, are affected by stuttering, and facing that difficulty speaking can cause anxiety, stress and self-esteem issues. Speech therapy is generally the route taken in trying to remedy stuttering. However, often times, stuttering can be a brain problem instead of just a speech problem. A chiropractic adjustment can help identify this, as it helps by focusing on the nervous system.

The temporal lobe is the part of your brain that is in charge of your speech. It’s located behind your ears, and if the cranial plate shifts, it can disturb the areas affecting speech. That could mean speech impediments including stuttering.

Adjusting that temporal cranial plate can reduce or eliminate the pressure on that area of the brain, resulting in proper brain function in these areas. It can get the body communicating correctly with the body again and alleviate some of these issues with speech by allowing the brain to correctly process this information.

It isn’t only the cranial plate that might be causing issues. If the spine is out of alignment, the information your body is trying to send to the brain can get muddled. Eliminating this obstruction reopens those lines of communication and lets the body properly come together with the brain again.

Because this affects confidence and self-esteem so drastically, stuttering might not be immediately recognizable because the child might – consciously or unconsciously – steer away from behavior that exposes his or her stutter. From staying away from certain words, to repeating entire words, lengthening certain words or just plain fear of speaking altogether – this can alter the person’s entire wellbeing and ability to communicate properly and effectively.

Finding a fix for stuttering deals with more than just an individual’s speech pattern. By opening those lines of communication between the brain and the body to allow for proper speech, it allows the stutterer a chance increase their focus on the subject of the speech, and not how it’s going to come out of their mouth. With everything properly aligned, the stutter is no longer the focus, allowing the individual to slow down and deal with information correctly – and with less anxiety.

Stuttering is one of the many things pediatric chiropractic care might be able to assist with, in making sure that the brain is communicating correctly with the rest of the body. Contact Dr. Morgan Sheridan today at Foundation Chiropractic with any questions or concerns on this topic.

Morgan Sheridan