Chiropractic care after pregnancy
Your bundle of joy arrived, and everything in your world has changed. Along with that, everything in your body has changed, too.
The body is getting back to where it was before the pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean everything is the same as when those changes were happening in the first place. New moms are bending over more, possibly carrying more weight than before the pregnancy, and are likely moving around more than they were in the last months of carrying the child. Add a weakened core, and it is a recipe for injury and lasting pain – years postpartum.
Postpartum adjustments can be made at any point after the child is born, and can offer relief from the resulting trauma of giving birth. Mothers need recovery time, and chiropractic adjustments can help provide some relief during that recovery period.
Carrying a baby around at all times for nine months is difficult! The baby is growing, and the body has to constantly adapt to that growing baby. The body is under stress during an entire pregnancy, and some of that internal stress doesn’t get relieved until after the baby is born.
A mother’s pelvis can change during the birthing process, and these changes can make things like walking and sleeping uncomfortable. Joints and ligaments can shift out of alignment, and a chiropractic adjustment can help relieve some of that pain and help the body heal.
But the internal changes aren’t the only adjustments new mothers have to worry about. A whole new world of tasks and motions can also cause discomfort for mother. Feeding the baby can cause discomfort for mom because of the awkward positioning that is sometimes required to make sure the baby is comfortable. This can come from both breast feeding and bottle feeding. Every mother wants feeding time to be relaxing for their newborn, but it’s important to for the mother to be comfortable, too.
There is a lot going on with your body after giving birth. Things aren’t going back to normal overnight. There are a number of different parts of your body trying to get back into the condition they were before pregnancy, and it’s important to make sure they’re all working back into shape together.
Postpartum chiropractic care not only helps with getting the neck and back aligned properly, but it can help realign joints and muscles after birth. There are many benefits to this from pain relief to acceleration of the healing process to helping curb postpartum depression.
Contact Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic with any questions about the benefits of postpartum chiropractic care.