Chiropractic Care & Teenagers

Teenagers like to slouch. We get it. But slouching is only one of their concerns when dealing with the

growing and changing bodies of adolescents. That time is a crucial phase of growth in everyone’s life,

and teenagers currently face some daily issues that can slow down or alter those vital stages of growth.

Because of the significant growth and development during this time, spinal alignment is crucial to make

sure the nervous system is working properly. This promotes growth, and will help the teenager get the

best chance to offset all of the bad habits that come with adolescence. Promoting this nervous system

health is the best way to optimize this growth while setting up good habits for the future.

Straighten Up Screen Time

More than ever before, teenagers face serious posture problems due to prolonged screen time. Add in

the fact this these are prime ages for growth spurts, and there can be a lot of issues that can cause pain

or discomfort – as well as potentially hampering that vital growth. Poor posture is common among

teenagers for these reasons, and chiropractic adjustments can help correct spinal misalignments. This

will help improve posture, alleviate pain, and reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal issues down

the road.

Sitting on screens can promote more bad posture habits than just slouching. Teenagers can crash and

slump into any number of spaces, and screen time now includes more than sitting at a laptop. Items like

tablets or mobile phones allow kids to mess up that posture by lying on beds or couches, draped over

recliners, and a multitude of other places that can throw their alignment out of whack. Spinal alignment

can help, and can helps set up best practices for when they’re on those screens.

Reduce Stress For Busy Bodies

Even though every parent may think their child spends too much time looking at screens, the teenage

years are a time of big activity, as well. From participating in sports and other events to just simply being

on the go, chiropractic care can help keep teenagers moving. Add in the stress of academic pressures

and other emotional challenges teenagers face, and it adds up to a lot. The adjustments impact the

nervous system, which naturally helps the body promote relaxation. The chiropractor can also offer

other techniques to manage stress, like mindfulness or breathing exercises.

Chiropractic care has a long history of helping with sports injury prevention and recovery. These physical

activities can put stress on their bodies, increasing the risk of injury. Chiropractors can provide guidance

with strategies to prevent injuries – including things like proper stretching and warm-up exercises. By

optimizing flexibility and joint mobility, chiropractors might also be able to help athletes reach their full

athletic potential.

There’s a lot going on in the lives of teenagers, so giving their body the chance to put its best foot

forward in all of their challenging situations can be very helping. For more information on how

chiropractic care can help with your teenager, reach out to Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation

Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan