Focusing on NeuroStructural Correction
At Foundation Chiropractic, in Denver, Colorado, we pride ourselves on correcting the cause of your condition, rather than focusing on the removal of your secondary conditions, otherwise known as symptoms. As you certainly know, pain, discomfort, and other signs, are not in and of themselves, a problem. They are merely indications that there is an underlying problem somewhere in the body. Does it make sense to remove those indications without correcting the real issue? Of course it doesn't.
That's why at Foundation Chiropractic, we focus on something completely different than most other chiropractors. Instead of removing symptoms, we address the cause of your symptoms using a method called NeuroStructural Correction. We use state of the art, instrumentation to identify the underlying structural abnormality in your spine that is causing your specific problem.
Achieve optimal health
Whether you'd like to finally address the cause of your ailments, or simply achieve optimal health through regular chiropractic adjustments, we'd like to invite you to come in for a complementary consultation.
A consultation in our office is simply a casual conversation where we learn a little about you, and you learn a little about us. We understand that we are not the right office for every person, so doesn’t it make sense to discover that before you begin a relationship with our practice? We believe so, and hopefully so do you.
Browse our site to learn more about our practice and see if our unique focus might be the solution to your health challenges. Or simply give our staff a call and we'll be happy to speak with you.
“The numbness in my hand and headaches went away along with being sick less and having more energy.”

Meet Your Doctor
Dr. Morgan Sheridan is the chiropractor behind Foundation Chiropractic. She is a hard-working individual with a strong background in providing NeuroStructurally based chiropractic care. She is enthusiastic about providing care for the entire family.
Dr. Morgan graduated Cum Laude from Fort Lewis College with a Bachelor of Arts in Exercise Science, was awarded the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges and went on to graduate from Life University in Marietta, Georgia. She completed additional pediatric focused training while in school and developed a passion for helping her patients, of all ages, by taking a preventative and proactive approach to their health. She completed her CACCP certification from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (www.icpa4kids.com). Dr. Morgan is also a Webster Technique Certified chiropractor to provide great care for pregnant people.
A native of Aurora, Colorado, Dr. Morgan grew up playing a variety of sports through graduate school. She remains a great resource for athletes under her care. Dr. Morgan is also knowledgeable in weight training/fitness from personal conditioning and undergraduate work.
Dr. Morgan currently enjoys practicing and living in the Greater Metro Denver area with her family.
Foundation Chiropractic is focused on NeuroStructural correction of the spine. We use state of the art technology and techniques to restore full function of the spine and nervous system to allow the in-born recuperative capacity of the body to work optimally.